
  1. DL8.5 and its extensions at AIA Seminar (02/2023)


  2. Learning Optimal Decision Trees Under Constraints at PhD defense (10/2022)


  3. Learning Optimal Decision Trees Under Memory Constraints at ECML PKDD 2022 (09/2022)

    Grenoble, France

  4. Assessing Optimal Forests of Decision Trees at ICTAI 2021 (11/2021)

    Washington DC, USA (Remote)

  5. PyDL8.5 A Library for Learning Optimal Decision Trees at IJCAI 2020 (01/2021)

    Yokohama - Kyoto, Japan (Remote)

  6. Learning Optimal Decision Trees Using Caching Branch-and-Bound Search at AAAI 2020 (02/2020)

    New York, USA